
The endearing personality of a modern young man

A Normal Childhood

Hugo was born in Orsay in 2000.

His parents are IT consultants. They live in Palaiseau in the suburbs of Paris where Hugo went to primary school.

Hugo lives a normal life with his family, his grandmother, his aunts, his elder sister and went to school like any other child.

Hugo starts to be more eager to learn at the age of 7, when he is in second grade.

This was the moment when his aunts created an ‘educational method’ (see section D) and provided a family support while he was in third and fourth grade. (Palaiseau)

The Method started to be effective when Hugo was in fourth grade which made him jump fifth grade and he ended up directly in sixth grade.

At the end of the sixth grade, the Claude Bernard High School, in the 5th district, granted him the possibility to go to the tenth grade. He went directly to Y12 and obtained 20/20 in the French High School Oral exam.

Peace and Tranquillity

Yet when Hugo speaks in front of cameras or an audience, you can feel the great tranquillity in him. It comes from a boy who is balanced both intellectually and physically. That means that his education had no negative impact on his development as a man and seems to have enabled him to have the same evolution as the other children and teenagers.

According to his relatives, his main qualities are, discretion, confidence, loving life, humility and hard-working.

Samy Meftali (Professor, HdR at the University of Lille 1), his PhD supervisor at the University of Lille, ‘Hugo has a great ability to communicate with others and a confidence that reassures others; I treated him just as the other PhD students’

Usually in the academic world, PhD students are known for their skills and their ability to conduct their work seriously, regardless of their age and origins. Hugo was no exception.


Hugo never felt different from the others when he was in High school, despite the age difference. As a matter of fact, he only spent one year in junior high school, the sixth grade. But he would soon become the mascot of his class in high school.

Hugo explains: ’ They welcomed me with open arms and kindness. ’


Hugo manages to get some time to practise sport regularly. When he was younger, he practised judo. Now he practises French boxing and swimming to gain more confidence and sharpen his character.

He was delivered other licences before the driving licence; he got the opportunity to fly for his flying licence and is currently studying to get his boating licence.

Passing On

But mostly he is a young boy that wishes to pass on his experience with other people, other cultures. In his opinion, there is no point in receiving if you cannot pass on your knowledge.

He got used to travel and to study while travelling. Apart from Lausanne and Oxford, he went to England, Austria, Italy, Greece, Dubai and China which he is really fond of.


Above all, he is open to other cultures and is willing to share his experience.

He is a young boy who likes many things of his age; music, cinema and books.

Hugo has been quite discreet in order to carry out his studies in peace but his recent press exposure is a means to share his story and not to fulfil some selfish goals or a thirst of recognition.